Ana Sayfa
Matematik Seçkileri
Sayılar Teorisi
=> Algebraic Curves-Mordell Curve
=> Algebraic Curves-Ochoa Curve
=> Algebraic Integer
=> Algebraic Number
=> Algebraic Number Theory
=> Chebotarev Density Theorem
=> Class Field
=> Cyclotomic Field
=> Dedekind Ring
=> Fractional Ideal
=> Global Field
=> Local Field
=> Number Field Signature
=> Picard Group
=> Pisot Number
=> Weyl Sum
=> Casting Out Nines
=> A-Sequence
=> Anomalous Cancellation
=> Archimedes' Axiom
=> B2-Sequence
=> Calcus
=> Calkin-Wilf Tree
=> Egyptian Fraction
=> Egyptian Number
=> Erdős-Straus Conjecture
=> Erdős-Turán Conjecture
=> Eye of Horus Fraction
=> Farey Sequence
=> Ford Circle
=> Irreducible Fraction
=> Mediant
=> Minkowski's Question Mark Function
=> Pandigital Fraction
=> Reverse Polish Notation
=> Division by Zero
=> Infinite Product
=> Karatsuba Multiplication
=> Lattice Method
=> Pippenger Product
=> Reciprocal
=> Russian Multiplication
=> Solidus
=> Steffi Problem
=> Synthetic Division
=> Binary
=> Euler's Totient Rule
=> Goodstein Sequence
=> Hereditary Representation
=> Least Significant Bit
=> Midy's Theorem
=> Moser-de Bruijn Sequence
=> Negabinary
=> Negadecimal
=> Nialpdrome
=> Nonregular Number
=> Normal Number
=> One-Seventh Ellipse
=> Quaternary
=> Radix
=> Regular Number
=> Repeating Decimal
=> Saunders Graphic
=> Ternary
=> Unique Prime
=> Vigesimal
Ziyaretçi defteri

Chebotarev Density Theorem

The Chebotarev density theorem is a complicated theorem in algebraic number theory which yields an asymptotic formula for the density of prime ideals of a number field K that split in a certain way in an algebraic extension L of K. When the base field is the field Q of rational numbers, the theorem becomes much simpler.

Let f(x) be a monic irreducible polynomial of degree n with integer coefficients with root alpha, let K=Q(alpha), let L be the normal closure of K, and let P be a partition (n_1,n_2,...,n_r) of n, i.e., an ordered set of positive integers n_1>=n_2...>=n_r with n=n_1+n_2+....+n_r. A prime is said to be unramified (over the number field K) if it does not divide the discriminant of f. Let S denote the set of unramified primes. Consider the set S_P of unramified primes for which f(x) factors as f_1(x)f_2(x)...f_r(x) modulo p, where f_i is irreducible modulo p and has degree n_i. Also define the density delta(S_P) of primes in S_P as follows:

 delta(S_P)=lim_(N->infty)(#{p in S_P:p<=N})/(#{p in S:p<=N}).

Now consider the Galois group G=Gal(L/Q) of the number field K. Since this is a subgroup of the symmetric group S_n, every element of G can be represented as a permutation of n letters, which in turn has a unique representation as a product of disjoint cycles. Now consider the set of elements G_P of G consisting of disjoint cycles of length n_1, n_2, ..., n_r. Then delta(S_P)=#G_P/#G.

As an example, let f(x)=x^3-2, so K=Q(2^(1/3)) and L=Q(2^(1/3),omega), where omega is a primitive root of unity. Since f has discriminant -108=-2^23^3, the only ramified primes are 2 and 3.

Let p be an unramified prime. Then f has a root (mod p) if and only if 2 has a cube root (mod p), which occurs whenever p=2 (mod 3) or p=1 (mod 3) and 2 has multiplicative order modulo p dividing (p-1)/3. The first case occurs for half of all unramified primes and the second case occurs for one sixth of all primes. In the first case, 2 has a unique cube root modulo p, so f factors as the product of a linear and an irreducible quadratic factor mod p. In the second case, 2 has three distinct cube roots mod p, so f has three linear factors mod p. In the remaining case, which occurs for 1/3 of all unramified primes, f is irreducible mod p. Now consider the corresponding elements of S_3. The first case corresponds to products of 2-cycles and 1-cycles (the identity), of which there are three, or half of the elements of S_3, the second case corresponds to products of three 1-cycles, or the identity, of which there is just one element, or one sixth of the elements of S_3, and the remaining case corresponds to 3-cycles, of which there are two, or one third the elements of S_3. Since Gal(L/Q)=S_3 in this case, the Chebotarev density theorem holds for this example.

The Chebotarev density theorem can often be used to determine the Galois group of a given irreducible polynomial f(x) of degree n. To do so, count the number of unramified primes up to a specified bound for which f factors in a certain way and then compare the results with the fractions of elements of each of the transitive subgroups of S_n with the same cyclic structure. Lenstra provides some good examples of this procedure.


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