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Matematik Seçkileri
=> Apollonian Gasket
=> Barnsley's Fern
=> Barnsley's Tree
=> Batrachion
=> Blancmange Function
=> Box Fractal
=> Brown Function
=> Cactus Fractal
=> Cantor Dust
=> Cantor Function
=> Cantor Set
=> Cantor Square Fractal
=> Capacity Dimension
=> Carotid-Kundalini Fractal
=> Cesàro Fractal
=> Chaos Game
=> Circles-and-Squares Fractal
=> Coastline Paradox
=> Correlation Exponent
=> Count
=> Cross-Stitch Curve
=> Curlicue Fractal
=> Delannoy Number
=> Dendrite Fractal
=> Devil's Staircase
=> Douady's Rabbit Fractal
=> Dragon Curve
=> Elephant Valley
=> Exterior Snowflake
=> Gosper Island
=> H-Fractal
=> Haferman Carpet
=> Hénon Map
=> Hilbert Curve
=> Householder's Method
=> Ice Fractal
=> Julia Set
=> Koch Antisnowflake
=> Koch Snowflake
=> Lévy Fractal
=> Lévy Tapestry
=> Lindenmayer System
=> Mandelbrot Set
=> Mandelbrot Set Lemniscate
=> Mandelbrot Tree
=> Menger Sponge
=> Minkowski Sausage
=> Mira Fractal
=> Newton's Method
=> Peano Curve
=> Peano-Gosper Curve
=> Pentaflake
=> Plane-Filling Function
=> Pythagoras Tree
=> Randelbrot Set
=> Rep-Tile
=> Reverend Back's Abbey Floor
=> San Marco Fractal
=> Sea Horse Valley
=> Siegel Disk Fractal
=> Sierpiński Arrowhead Curve
=> Sierpiński Carpet
=> Sierpiński Curve
=> Sierpiński Sieve
=> Star Fractal
=> Strange Attractor
=> Tetrix
Sayılar Teorisi
Ziyaretçi defteri

Sierpiński Sieve

Sierpinski sieve from rule 90

The Sierpiński sieve is a fractal described by Sierpiński in 1915 and appearing in Italian art from the 13th century (Wolfram 2002, p. 43). It is also called the Sierpiński gasket or Sierpiński triangle. The curve can be written as a Lindenmayer system with initial string "FXF--FF--FF", string rewriting rules "F" -> "FF", "X" -> "--FXF++FXF++FXF--", and angle 60 degrees.

Let N_n be the number of black triangles after iteration n, L_n the length of a side of a triangle, and A_n the fractional area which is black after the nth iteration. Then

N_n = 3^n
L_n = (1/2)^n=2^(-n)
A_n = L_n^2N_n=(3/4)^n.

The capacity dimension is therefore

d_(cap) = -lim_(n->infty)(lnN_n)/(lnL_n)
= lg3
= 1.584962500...

(Sloane's A020857; Wolfram 1984; Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 46).

The Sierpiński sieve is produced by the beautiful recurrence equation

 a_n=a_(n-1) xor 2a_(n-1),

where  xor denote bitwise XOR. It is also given by

 a_n=product_(j; e(j,n)=1)2^(2^(e(j,n)))+1,

where e(j,n) is the (j+1)st least significant bit defined by


and the product is taken over all j such that e(j,n)=1 (Allouche and Shallit 2003, p. 113).


The Sierpinski sieve is given by Pascal's triangle (mod 2), giving the sequence 1; 1, 1; 1, 0, 1; 1, 1, 1, 1; 1, 0, 0, 0, 1; ... (Sloane's A047999; left figure). In other words, coloring all odd numbers black and even numbers white in Pascal's triangle produces a Sierpiński sieve (Guy 1990; Wolfram 2002, p. 870; middle figure). The binomial coefficient (n; k) mod 2 can be computed using bitwise operations AND(NOT(n), k), giving the sequence 0; 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0, 0; 0, 1, 2, 3, 0; ... (Sloane's A102037; right figure), then coloring the triangle black if the result is 0 and white otherwise. This is a consequence of the Lucas correspondence theorem for binomial coefficients modulo a prime number.


Surprisingly, elementary cellular automaton rules 60, 90 and 102 (when omitting the trailing zeros) also produce the Sierpinski sieve (Wolfram 2002, p. 870). Wolfram (2002, pp. 931-932) gives a large number of algorithms that can be used to compute a Sierpiński sieve.


Gardner (1977) and independently Watkins (Conway and Guy 1996, Krížek et al. 2001) noticed that the number of sides for constructible polygons with an odd number of sides are given by the first 32 rows of the Sierpiński sieve interpreted as binary numbers, giving 1, 3, 5, 15, 17, 51, 85, 255, ... (Sloane's A004729, Conway and Guy 1996, p. 140). In other words, every row is product of Fermat primes, with terms given by binary counting.


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