Ana Sayfa
Matematik Seçkileri
=> Zeno's Paradoxes
=> Allais Paradox
=> Arnauld's Paradox
=> Banach-Tarski Paradox
=> Barber Paradox
=> Berry Paradox
=> Bottle Imp Paradox
=> Buchowski Paradox
=> Cantor's Paradox
=> Catalogue Paradox
=> Coin Paradox
=> Complex Number Paradox
=> Crocodile's Dilemma
=> Destructive Dilemma
=> Diagonal Paradox
=> Dilemma
=> Elevator Paradox
=> Epimenides Paradox
=> Eubulides Paradox
=> Grelling's Paradox
=> Hempel's Paradox
=> Liar's Paradox
=> Line Point Picking
=> Missing Dollar Paradox
=> Newcomb's Paradox
=> Parrondo's Paradox
=> Potato Paradox
=> Richard's Paradox
=> Russell's Antinomy
=> Skolem Paradox
=> Smarandache Paradox
=> Socrates' Paradox
=> Sorites Paradox
=> Strange Loop
=> Thompson Lamp Paradox
=> Unexpected Hanging Paradox
=> Fallacy
=> Plaindrome
Sayılar Teorisi
Ziyaretçi defteri

Line Point Picking

Consider a line segment of length 1, and pick a point x at random between [0,1]. This point x divides the line into line segments of length x and 1-x. If a set of points are thus picked at random, the resulting distribution of lengths has a uniform distribution on [0,1]. Similarly, separating the two pieces after each break, the larger piece has uniform distribution on [1/2,1] (with mean 3/4), and the smaller piece has uniform distribution on [0,1/2] (with mean 1/4).

The probability that the line segments resulting from cutting at two points picked at random on a unit line segment determine a triangle is given by 1/4.


The probability and distribution functions for the ratio of small to large pieces are given by

P(x) = 2/((1+x)^2)
D(x) = (2x)/(1+x)

for x in [0,1]. The raw moments are therefore


where psi_0(x) is the digamma function. The first few are therefore

mu_1^' = 2ln2-1
mu_2^' = -4ln2+3
mu_3^' = 6ln2-4
mu_4^' = -8ln2+(17)/3

(Sloane's A115388 and A115389). The central moments are therefore


where (x)_n is a Pochhammer symbol. The first few are therefore

mu_2 = 2-4ln^22
mu_3 = 3-12ln2+16ln^32
mu_4 = (14)/3-24ln2+48ln^22-48ln^42.

This therefore gives mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis excess of

mu = 2ln2-1
sigma^2 = 2-4ln^22
beta = (3-12ln2+16ln^32)/((2-4ln^22)^(3/2))
gamma = ((25)/6-6ln2)/((1-2ln^22)^2)-6.

The mean can be computed directly from

mu = int_0^1(min(x,1-x))/(max(x,1-x))dx
= 2int_0^(1/2)x/(1-x)dx
= 2ln2-1.

The probability and distribution functions for the ratio of large to small pieces are given by

P(x) = 2/((1+x)^2)
D(x) = (x-1)/(x+1)

for x in [1,infty). Paradoxical though it may be, this distribution has infinite mean and other moments. The reason for this is that a theoretical bone can be cut extremely close to one end, thus giving huge ratio of largest to smallest pieces, whereas there is some limit for a real physical bone. Taking epsilon to be the smallest possible piece in which is bone cen be cut, the mean is then given by


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