Ana Sayfa
=> Maria Agnesi
=> Peter Barlow
=> Charles Babbage
=> Abraham de Moivre
=> Euclid of Alexandria
=> Pierre de Fermat
=> Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci
=> Fourier, (Jean Baptiste) Joseph, Baron
=> Karl Friedrich Gauss
=> Hippasus of Metapontum
=> John Napier
=> Kaprekar's Constant
=> Joseph Louis Lagrange
=> Louis Victor Pierre Raymond duc de Broglie
=> Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
=> François Viète
=> Johann Bernoulli
=> Sir William Rowan Hamilton
=> Marin Mersenne
=> Charles Augustin de Coulomb
=> Florence Nightingale
=> John Wallis
=> Richard Phillips Feynman
=> Claude Elwood Shannon
=> Jacob (Jacques) Bernoulli
=> Howard Hathaway Aiken
=> August Ferdinand Möbius
=> Ahmes
=> Hipparchus of Rhodes
=> William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)
=> Zeno of Elea
=> Jules Henri Poincaré
=> Edmond Halley
=> Sir Christopher Wren
=> Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya
=> Grace Brewster Murray Hopper
=> Diophantus of Alexandria
=> Girolamo Cardano
=> Stephen William Hawkingı
=> Edwin Powell Hubble
=> Siméon Denis Poisson
=> Paul Erdös
=> Alan Mathison Turing
=> Augustin Louis Cauchy
=> Benjamin Banneker
=> Niels Henrik Abel
=> Werner Karl Heisenberg
=> Albrecht Dürer
=> Aristarchus of Samos
=> Christiaan Huygens
=> Augusta Ada King, countess of Lovelace
=> Omar Khayyam
=> Herman Hollerith
=> Evariste Galois
=> Bertrand Arthur William Russell
=> Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger
=> Apollonius of Perga
=> Maurits Cornelius Escher
=> Andrew John Wiles
=> Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann
=> Tycho Brahe
=> Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
=> Joseph-Louis Lagrange
=> George Boole
=> Pierre-Simon Laplace
=> Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
=> Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
=> Marie-Sophie Germain
=> Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan
=> Benoit Mandelbrot
=> Emmy Amalie Noether
=> David Hilbert
=> Robert Hooke
=> Maria Gaëtana Agnesi
=> John Forbes Nash
=> Albert Einstein
=> Sir Isaac Newton
=> Pythagoras of Samos
=> Galileo Galilei
=> Archimedes of Syracuse
=> Blaise Pascal
=> Nicolaus Copernicus
=> Aristotle
=> René Descartes
=> Leonhard Euler
=> Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
=> Johannes Kepler
=> Plato
=> Niels Henrik David Bohr
=> Claudius Ptolemy
=> Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
=> Leonardo da Vinci
=> Eratosthenes of Cyrene
=> Kurt Gödel
=> Thales of Miletus
=> John Maynard Keynes
=> James Clerk Maxwell
=> Robert Boyle
=> John von Neumann
=> Georg Simon Ohm
=> Norbert Wiener
=> Democritus of Abdera
=> Daniel Bernoulli
Matematik Seçkileri
Sayılar Teorisi
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Joseph Louis Lagrange


Joseph Louis Lagrange lived from 1736-1813 which is considered to be the beginnings of Modern Math. He was the oldest of 11 children and one of 2 who survived to adulthood. He was born in Italy (Turin, Sardinia-Piedmont ) but is considered to be the Italian born French mathematician. His interest in math started when he was a child and for the most part, he was a self-taught mathematician. By the age of 19, Lagrange was appointed professor of mathematics at the Royal Artillery School in Turin - after Euler stated how impressed he was with Lagrange's work on the tautochrone demonstrating his method of maxima and minima titled 'Calculus of Variation'. His discoveries were important to the not yet named subject of 'Calculus'. He received 2 offers to work at the prestigious Berlin Academy and finally accepted the offer and succeeded Euler as the Director of Mathematics on November 6, 1766 but then moved on to the Paris Academy of Science where he remained for the rest of his career.

Famous Quotes:

“Before we take to sea we walk on land, Before we create we must understand.”

When we ask advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.



While in Prussia, he published the 'Mécanique Analytique' which is considered to be his monumental work in the pure maths.

His most prominent influence was his contribution to the the metric system and his addition of a decimal base,which is in place largely due to his plan. Some refer to Lagrange as the founder of the Metric System.

Lagrange is also known for a great deal of work on planetary motion. He was responsible for developing the groundwork for an alternate method of writing Newton's Equations of Motion. This is referred to as 'Lagrangian Mechanics'.In 1772, he described the Langrangian points, the points in the plane of two objects in orbit around their common center of gravity at which the combined gravitational forces are zero, and where a third particle of negligible mass can remain at rest. This is why Lagrange is referred to as an astronomer/mathematician.

The Lagrangian Polynomial is the far easiest way to find a curve through points.


Recommended Reads

Remarkable Mathematicians Author Ioan profiles 60 famous mathematicians who were born between 1700 and 1910 and provides insight to their remarkable lives and their contributions to the field of math. This text is organized chronologically and provides interesting information about the details of the mathematicians lives.

A to Z of Mathematicians This comprehensive single-volume A-to-Z reference includes both the past and present mathematicians/scientists who have made significant contributions to the field of mathematics. Includes all of the key mathematicians, and a few lesser-known persons who also made serious contributions, this reference text highlights all of the major areas of algebra, analysis, geometry, and foundational statisticians.

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